• 영문비주얼배너

It is the largest holding company of the world's top-class products and solidifies its status as a global leader.
We will continue to grow as a technology leader through continuous technology development.

Creating value for a sustainable future, there are people at the center.
Mindset to think first of all is our promise to a better tomorrow.

회사명 : (주)씨에스콤프텍 / 사업자등록번호 : 143-81-28264  / 대표 : 강태선

본사주소 : 서울 영등포구 양평로21길 26­ (선유도역1차아이에스비즈타워) 2205호 / TEL : 02-2632-5377~8 (장비 구매 문의)
공장주소 : 경기도 화성시 팔탄면 터넉골로 57-35 / TEL : 031-366-5278 (부품 및 서비스 문의)

개인정보관리책임자 : 최현우

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